Saturday, January 26, 2008

Knifty Knitter Childs Sweater

Here is a Knifty Knitter Loom Childs Sweater I made for my oldest Granddaughter she is 7. I used the Long Yellow Loom and the Basket Weave Pattern with the E-Wrap & Purl Stitch for the front panel. Well after I took my item off the loom it srank. I decided to finish this sweater with a few rows of Double Crochet Rows. I used Red heart Yard Light Blue & Med Purple for the sides and Blueberry Pie for the Main color.
For the Back I used the Blueberry Pie Color Yarn with the E-Wrap Stitch. I seamed up the sides and finished it off with 1 Row of Double Crochet for the bottom and 2 Rows for the Neck and 3 Rows for the Arms. It was a perfect fix on my Granddaughter. I was very happy with the way it came out.